On Halo (and Other Things)

This past weekend I was inundated with Halo. (For those not familiar, Halo is an extremely popular Xbox first-person-shooter made by Bungie, one of my all-time favorite game companies.) Let me explain what I mean. Early last week, I received an evite inviting me to a Halo LAN Party by my friend Robert. Now, I hadn’t played Halo in about 9 months, and hadn’t played it with ANY degree of regularity even then (I’ve logged less than 12 hours of Halo time, even after this HaloFest), so I dug out my xbox and copy of Halo and played an hour or two (long enough to get comfortable with the controller again), and then headed over to the party. Mickey opted to stay home, sending me first to see what it was like (since she doesn’t play video games, if EVERYONE there was a gamer then she’d be pretty bored). She sent me armed with pie, though, so that’s fine.

Suffice it to say, she probably would have had a ball. There was a nice mixture of gamer and non-gamer, and lots of good conversation was had before we sat down and started playing Halo. (They all loved the pie, too. With a Strawberry and Blackberry pie, how can you go wrong?)
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Rain Rain, Go Away

Come again some other day.

So, we woke up this morning around 8, ready for the movers to arrive. As I slipped into consciousness, I realized that it was raining, HARD. Mmm, always fun for when you are moving everything you own onto a truck.

I got up and rummaged around for a little bit not sure what to do (antsy, nervous), and then decided to go deposit the check we got for selling Mickey’s desktop ($650, and we had to fight to get that much). The rain really was something else. I was hydroplaning pretty heavily, and lord knows I wasn’t the only one. Apparently in the time it took me to head north into town, and then head back south (maybe 30 minutes, total), there managed to be a really nasty accident on the northbound lane of I-91… requiring not one but THREE ambulances. I couldn’t see the cars though, so I’m not sure what actually happened. I can only speculate that someone hydroplaned into another car, or off the road. Or both.

I got back to the apartment (can’t really call it home anymore, really), and helped with the little futzing things that we were doing to pass the time (packing the phone up now that service is disconnected, things like that), and lugged the things we’re taking with us in the car to the car.

The rain has started to let up, and now we’re just waiting for the movers to arrive. Somehow (we checked to make sure it was on last night when we plugged it into the charger) Mickey’s phone turned itself off in the night, so we’re not sure if the movers called this morning: whoops. We left them a message, so hopefully they’ll either get back to us or just show up.
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The convention is wrapping up today, and has been a relatively successful event. We didn’t have quite the numbers we’d like, but everyone who went has said that they had a good time. This bodes well for doing another one. I’ll elaborate further below.
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Back from Hawaii

I’m back from Hawaii now. Actually we got back last week, but I’ve spent the past week catching up with stuff that happened while I was gone. Sorry for the late update. Hawaii was a blast, sunny and around 80 every day, with a light sea breeze. In the beginning of the trip, Mickey and I wandered around with Eli and Megan, heading up to Hapuna Beach, and over to Green Sands Beach, both of which were a really fun time (Hapuna is this great beach, relatively popular, and remarkably pretty… Green Sands is down at south point, and requires a 2 mile hike to get to… but is well worth it if you like bodysurfing).
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Stuff, UBERCON, and Stuff

It’s been a very exciting month. I’ve been working on my schoolwork, which is a course on 3d modelling and computer graphics. It’s slow going, and relatively difficult (especially since I’m learning it on my own), but a great deal of fun. I also spent two weeks with my fiance (as I already mentioned), which was a mixture of good (spending time with Mickey is ALWAYS good) and bad (no real net connection for me… made it hard to get some things accomplished that I needed/wanted to do). I wouldn’t trade the time for anything, though.

Also this month, a lot of things started coming to a head for UberCon.
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New Graphics Card!

I installed my new graphics card into my desktop today. Installed Warcraft III, and the Jedi Knight II demo, both of which play superbly. In another few moments, I’ll have a conference call concerning UberCon, so I’m really just killing time until then. (YES, I am sitting in Dirt looking like a dork with a headset, but c’est la vie: there is reasonable reception here, and I haven’t had a chance to turn my long distance back on.)
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