New Graphics Card!

I installed my new graphics card into my desktop today. Installed Warcraft III, and the Jedi Knight II demo, both of which play superbly. In another few moments, I’ll have a conference call concerning UberCon, so I’m really just killing time until then. (YES, I am sitting in Dirt looking like a dork with a headset, but c’est la vie: there is reasonable reception here, and I haven’t had a chance to turn my long distance back on.)
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New WebComic Discovery

I’m sure it isn’t new for some, but it was definitely new for me: Something Positive is a remarkably well done webcomic that I just read through the archives of. It is sometimes dark, invariably sarcastic/rude, and generally funny as hell. (As with any creative work of any type, it is still subject to a bit of hit-or-miss troubles. But the ratio of hit to miss is good!)
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Site Redesign

Welcome to the new (and hopefully) improved! After becoming extremely frustrated with my own meddling and disorganization, I finally decided to seek alternate methods to achieve my intended goal (pain free layout, thus easier to access any and all CONTENT I can make available. It also makes it easier for me to get content onto the site, since I have to worry less about formatting and site organization).
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Thought Buffet

I just spent a week in DC, with Mickey, which was a great deal of fun, even if I did get into a funk towards the end. I don’t like it when I get that way, especially when it causes people who care about me to become concerned (like Mickey). But that is over and done now: I’m back up in Vermont (well, Dirt Cowboy at the moment), and she’s down in DC, working. I’ll be heading back down there in November, though exactly when is yet to be determined.

When last I wrote (on the 15th), I ended because my friend Richard suddenly showed up after not seeing him for a year and a half. Or at least I thought it was him. (I was right). Hopefully, he’ll be around more now that he knows the Dirt is open in the evenings.
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We are all prisoners here. You can’t put a finger on why, you can’t define the cage, but regardless, we are confined, restricted by rules of society, rules of physics. We cannot fly, we cannot run naked among the throngs of a crowded street. We restrict ourselves.

Past times I’ve done a freewrite, a ramble, or really anything like this, I end up talking about Truth, in one fashion or another. Beyond this brief mention here, I’m going to try and not this time. There are other things to talk about. Other things indeed.
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Story Idea

Story idea: 30 years before the open of the story, a well respected and intelligent man dies young, leaving no direct descendent. He is buried in a small town in the northeast. 10 years later, what would have been his nephew is born, bearing a striking resemblence in appearance and mannerisms.
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