The Madhouse:
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Author Archives: Nabil
Story Idea
Story idea: 30 years before the open of the story, a well respected and intelligent man dies young, leaving no direct descendent. He is buried in a small town in the northeast. 10 years later, what would have been his nephew is born, bearing a striking resemblence in appearance and mannerisms.
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More Rambling
More rambling. I’ve been putting off finishing my semester… I don’t know why. I suppose because that means time is moving forward, and that unsettles me. Or something. I suppose I should work on that sometime this weekend and next week, instead of what I’ve been working on: learning Flash and the VPP website (in that order).
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Mental Vomit
I’m sitting in the Dirt Cowboy, a small coffee shop on the corner of Main Street in Hanover, right at the edge of the Dartmouth Green. It is 9:40 at night (though of course later by the time I get done with this), and I’m distracted right now by the people and noise and general turbulence of my surroundings (and NOW, and HERE, is where I end up feeling encouraged enough to actually write). I say turbulence, because I feel very much right now that I am adrift from the rest of the world, and that it continues along in its rushing river of reality, apart from me. I see people walk in and walk out, I see Dartmouth coeds sit down and work on homework together, I can see 3 laptops from my seat (there were 4 earlier, but one left… an iBook), and another is about to leave. I myself am on my PDA, using my portable keyboard. I don’t know why I do this: I have a very nice, more versatile laptop. I suppose that is why I use my PDA for writing: it is smaller, more portable, less dynamic, harder to become distracted from things other than writing. Or maybe it’s just that the battery lasts longer on my PDA, and the table that is near the power outlet is almost always busy. Or something.
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Processing Self
A process paper should be about the process, right? Well, here is more “process”. I spent most of today setting up my desktop in several ways: I installed a number of applications (the Adobe Design Collection, and Macromedia Studio MX, both of which had been on my laptop for about a month), updated the software I’d just installed, plus the updates to other utilities necessary to perform the updates, as well as the software I’d already had installed on it (Bryce, Painter, et cetera). On top of all that, I bought a new printer on Sunday, which I installed as well. It prints phenomenally — I plan to bring several prints with me to the residency, so you can see. If I’m particularly ambitious, I’ll even mount and frame them, and put some of them into the art show.
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I’m currently writing this while I wait for Mickey’s plane to get in… hopefully, I’ll get my thoughts out before the plane arrives as then I’ll be able to just send it on Monday when I get some internet access again. Otherwise, I’ll have to try and pick up the thought where I left off, which tends to be kind of messy…
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“Some Like it Hot”
WELL! I’m currently sitting somewhere in the greater Washington DC area, waiting for the musical rendition of “Some Like It Hot”, starring Tony Curtis to start. It’s an interesting facility, an outdoor stage (we’re in lawn seats).
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Well okay then. I’m at the moment writing this on my PDA, with my shmifty folding keyboard (I’ll show it to you at the residency if you like). I do this because it’s a heck of a lot easier to lug around two pocket sized items than to lug around one lap sized item.
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Writing this on my PDA, with a keyboard. It’s a pretty nifty method of writing, and a hell of a lot easier than a laptop.
Interesting conversation with my father today over lunch. We were discussing the salient points of knowing the rules or not bothering, ie just ignore what the “standards” are, and just develop your own voice. I’m of the opinion that I should still learn the rules, so that I have the choice to follow or break them as I wish.
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Annotation: The Mind’s Eye
As much as he gets talked about, and as much as I love his photography, I must say Iâm not too impressed with Henri Cartier-Bressonâs writing. The Mindâs Eye is a collection of writing that Henri has done over his career about photographers and photography. Unfortunately, Henri is french and as such thinks in French. Different languages foster different modes of thought and different styles of communication. Personally, I found his writing style very quotable in small vignettes, but lacking greater substance when taken as a whole. This is further exacerbated by the relative shortness of each piece, the average length being 3-5 pages. Since itâs so many short pieces, it isnât really worthwhile, in my eyes, to address each. Instead Iâll address my views on the three major topics: âThe Camera as Sketchbookâ, âTime and Placeâ, and âOn Photographers and Friendsâ.
âThe Camera as Sketchbookâ was the most coherent and pertinent section of the book, in my opinion. It discusses the process of photography, using it to capture those decisive moments about topics you are passionate about. It also has the title essay, âThe Mindâs Eyeâ, which discusses developing your inner senses, learning to be in tune with your surroundings so that you are both aware and prepared for when a key moment comes. These tidbits would be more useful, of course, if he bothered saying more on possible methods to develop oneâs abilities, how to capture the decisive moment, how to work your passions into your photography, how to refine the mindâs eye, instead of just saying they are necessary. This was when I first started to become disappointed in this book; when you realize you are halfway through a book and keep on waiting for the author to get past summary and to the rest of the content, itâs probably a sign that itâs not the proper book for you.
âTime and Placeâ, you would think, would discuss time and place as it pertains to photography. Perhaps a discussion on when and where it is appropriate to photograph, and when one should just set aside the camera and appreciate it as a personal moment, perhaps that would make sense for such a chapter header. Perhaps Cartier-Bresson just had a really bad editor who gave the collections poor titles. Because it was just a collection of his writing on his photographic escapades to various places at pivotal times in history (Maoâs march in China, for instance). This was not really what was described and sold to me as. I felt vaguely betrayed by Aperture (the publisher) for describing the book in one fashion on the cover and in the book leaf, and then having it actually being a significantly different book.
âOn Photographers and Friendsâ was really pretty boring. It had even less continuity than the previous sections, which either segued from one topic to another relatively smoothly, or was done in some semblance of chronological order. This section, however, had none of that. It was just a mishmash of eulogies or statements on various friends Henri has had over the years, like André Breton, and Robert Capa. Itâs nice to hear his thoughts on these influential people, but come on. That said, each commentary is extremely brief, and really isnât very useful in any sort of scholarly sense. To put it into perspective: Henri discussed 15 photographers and friends, which took him 29 pages of large, spacious type in a small book, including pictures and copies of his handwritten letters (where applicable).
I hate to say it, but I really do feel like this was a case of Aperture collecting the random ramblings of an old man, feeding like vultures on the carcass of fame. This sort of obsessive capitalization on the fame of an individual is something that is truly offensive to me. It gluts the market with wasted time and wasted shelf space, and obscures the truly effective and useful books from the inexperienced reader (and how is one to know what books to seek and what books to avoid? You can only make a guess, albeit a somewhat more educated one as you go along). Between this and other books Iâve read published by Aperture, I really am beginning to develop a strong distaste for them â a shame, since they are such a large publisher of photography and I feel like I should do what I can to support such endeavors.
Cartier-Bresson, Henri. The Mindâs Eye. Aperture, 1999.