MORE Musings of a Frantic Mind

Let me ‘splain to you… no, it is too much. Let me sum up:

I spent a good portion of the day at my parents’ house, doing odd things, like running antenna cable through my father’s car (he’s installing a two way radio… we’re all ham radio operators, you see). Before that, however, I was on the Penny Arcade forums, where there was a poll going on as to whether or not the art forum should try to find non-nude anatomy references to post for exercises. I think the notion is absurd (and upon checking the poll again now that it is completed, apparently the rest of the forumers agree). I recall reading in (I believe) one of A.D. Coleman’s essays a recounting of a story about Toulouse Lautrec at a gallery opening. A dame came up to him outraged at a painting of a woman undressing with a man looking on. She called it pornography and filth. He turned to her and said “The woman is not undressing, she is dressing, and that man is her husband, and I’d appreciate it if you would stop looking at my painting.”

Alas, the entire story is paraphrased horribly, as I have not been able to locate it again. I’ll go back and edit it if I discover the actual story again.
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Musings of a Frantic Mind

It occured to me last night, around 12:30 (so technically today), as I was drifting off to a relatively early slumber, that I had not posted. I had posted another four images, but I had not actually posted anything on the main page. So, to all three of you that even occasionally glance at this page, my apologies.

First off, congratulations to my friend Andy and his wife Emily for getting married yesterday. I hope it was a fantastic wedding, and I’m sorry Mickey and I couldn’t make it.

What did I do instead? Packed. Mickey took care of talking to various moving agencies on the phone, getting quotes lined up et cetera. That took up the mid-day, and by 5, we simply weren’t up for driving 3 hours each way.
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Today was the Fourth of July, Independence Day, which we spent lazing about the house, followed by dinner with the folks, then the local fireworks display. The fireworks were excellent this year, down at Kilowatt Field at the border between Vermont and New Hampshire (for those that are unaware, Vermont IS part of the United States, and not in fact a mythical land that they mention “travelling off to” in tv sitcoms).

I hadn’t been to the local fireworks display since they moved to their current location (previously it had been at the high school football field). I did make it to fireworks last year, but that was down in Boston (you would think they would be more extravagant, but no… the local ones are just as good).

There was a certain humor to the event, since we were perched precariously on the side of a rather steep hill looking over the river. I slid off the blanket several times over the course of the night, because I simply could NOT keep anchored.

Unfortunately I didn’t bring a camera, so no pictures this time. (My D60 is still in for repairs… I should have it back by the end of next week, hopefully in time for my trip to Seattle.)

I really just wanted to give a quick post about the day… hopefully sometime in the next few days, I’ll do a more substantial piece, as there is a lot going on in my head right now.

Hanover, Pretty Red Dress

Let me explain to you something about the past few days:

For the past several months, I’ve been feeling very rushed, very stressed. This is partially because I took more onto my plate than I’d ever had before, and I felt a bit overwhelmed. Finally, after easily six months, things have started to fall away as “done.” The past two weeks I started to feel a bit more like I was in control of my life again.

The downside of this is that the feeling is starting to have lasting effects, namely killing my motivation but good. Today, I sat around reading manga online until 3 in the afternoon, before finally showering off (and I’d felt the need for it since the previous night). Mickey and I then got up and picked up some boxes to pack some of our more moisture sensitive materials in (like books). While out and about (not in a boat), we got a call from my parents, who wanted to see my blue hair. So we went to dinner with them, over at Lui Lui’s…

Which gets us to the red dress mentioned in the title of this entry. There was a tent sale, you see, in the parking lot of the restaurant, which we meandered through after eating. Mickey managed to find a really nifty red dress that she really likes (and is now wearing), for about 50% off. There is a certain humor to seeing my wife (whom I am constantly looking toward to get permission to spend money) reverse the roles and look at me for the approving nod on the purchase.
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This Day, Today

Today is Wednesday. (Well, looking at the time, if I don’t finish this soon YESTERDAY was Wednesday.)

Generally, every Wednesday, my brother drives down from Burlington, and comes to lunch with my parents, Mickey, and myself, and often Eli and Megan. Chris and Gloria are planning to join us in this regular occurence, but things haven’t worked out in that endeavor as yet. Well, it might have happened today, but I don’t know.

Because I wasn’t there. Mickey and I had a hair appointment that afternoon in yonder Manchester, NH. We drove down, and had our respective heads of hair dyed. Mickey refreshed the red color she’d had done for the wedding. I had never dyed my hair before, so I chose to go for a bit more flamboyant a dye job, and decided to turn my hair blue.

The whole process took about three hours, and I ended up having to get a second treatment done, as it turns out my hair doesn’t take dye too well. Overall, I’m pretty pleased with the result. While it isn’t quite as saturated a blue as I might like, I am satisfied with my initial experience of hair dying, and now understand more about my hair for next time. (And yes, there WILL be a next time… probably this October if not sooner.)

Our friend Julie also came up from Boston, and had her hair done at the same time as us, so after we were all done, we got in touch with another friend of ours (Florence), and went to Florence’s place for dinner. (Quite scrumptious.)

As Mickey and I headed back north, we listened to some of my old compilations… as we were listening to a King Crimson song called “I Talk to the Wind” on one of these compilation CDs, I had a particularly strong vision pop up, generated by the mood and lyrics of the song. It involves the straight man and the late man, and hopefully I’ll put it to paper (whether digital or physical paper is a separate matter) soon.

Hmm, what else… both my brother and my friend Eli have begun posting regularly, so do please swing on by and check out their sites.

Also, the folks over at Life of Riley have pointed out a potentially nifty online community called Gaia Online. If you are interested, tell them I sent you.

Navigation Revision

Mickey brought up an interesting point last night: internal links should really be kept together.

Makes sense, really, since generally the goal of a website is to encourage exploration of their OWN site, not to have their viewers immediately scamper off to other places.

I’ve rearranged the navigation on the right side of the screen so that recent entries and archives are above the links section. The change has already spread through the rest of the site.


Sitting in Hanover again, on the veranda of Collis Center. Four columns form a semicircular support for the roof above, a roof that is not necessary today… there is, in fact, not a single cloud in the sky. The air is still and warm, and there are conversations on either side of us (Mickey, Eli, and myself have just finished dinner).

To my right, two female college students are talking about their boyfriends, and fears about them. I am largely uninterested, but it bears note nonetheless.

To my left is a conversation among four students (three guys and a girl clutching a computer keyboard set up for Korean), talking about computers, their woes on the devaluation of their previous machines, the failures and tribulations of what they have now… and how they plan to upgrade soon.

I can’t blame them, I’m much the same way. I love my computers, don’t get me wrong. That said, I do very much want to get the new machine, and often go through the same justifications I’m hearing now. One of them is apparently going into the Air Force next year, and there I lose interest in the conversation.

I am thoroughly stuffed, burping gently, after eating an entire order of chicken lo mein and a kappa maki (cucumber roll). I still haven’t finished my drink from coffee, but that’s fine… it is a sipping drink if there ever was one. It’s super-caffinated, so much so that you can taste the caffeine in every sip. Take a large chai and add a shot of espresso and you have this drink. An interesting blend, but I don’t think I’ll get it again.

I’m getting dehydrated again, I can feel the early warnings in my chest and my mouth, feel the warmth at the back of my tongue. I guess I need to start carrying a water bottle again. Moving on.

As I walked out of Dirt and sat down on the bench outside, I noticed a book on the bookstand belonging to Left Bank Books out on the sidewalk. I immediately looked at Mickey, eyes pleading for the okay, and thankfully received the go-ahead: the National Gallery of Art’s collection of Alfred Stieglitz photographs, published in collaboration with Bulfinch Press. High quality reproductions, nice large book… lists at $75, picked it up for $40. Awww yeah….

Of course, what’s even cooler is that I actually SAW that exhibit down in Washington DC this past fall.

Visual Gallery Updated

Just a quick entry saying that I’ve updated the visual gallery… all older pictures, but ones that I’ve been meaning to put up. I’ve got a folder full of redacted images that I’m going to be finally putting up, four per day until the folder is empty.

You can either click on the “Visual Content” link in the upper right corner of the page, or click here to be taken to the gallery.

I’m planning on doing an actual post later today, by the way, after some sleep.

The Visceral Experience

Let me explain to you something about me, that I certainly hope explains at least somewhat why I write what I write on this site. (When I write anything beyond Site Maintenance, I mean.)

Some people don’t understand this, but it holds true for me: the viscera of life is a priority to me. The feeling on your face as the weather shifts from still, muggy, saturated air, to the turbulence and refreshment of a summer storm. The excitement and childlike joy that fills me when I see lightning and a thunderclap almost simultaneously, the fascination and eagerness of feeling those large, swollen droplets of rain splash onto my face.

The feeling of the heat of hot pavement on a summer’s day, scorching your feet, making you feel like a lizard, skittering along on it so as not to be burned. The feeling of trudging around in three feet of wet snow, warm in your snowgear, watching clumps of snow fall from the trees, listening to the activity that dwells within a sense of stillness.

The crash of the waves on a beach, a thunderous subsonic crescendo of noise, felt in your bones. The soft rustle of dry autumn leaves being walked through, hands in jacket pockets, keeping warm in the brisk air. The peace of lying down in a patch of moss, in a fern surrounded glen, listening to moisture drip from the trees, listening to things grow all around you.

This is what is important to me. This is what fills me with wellbeing, and happiness. I wish I could share it. I wish more people wanted to SEE.

Brief Reprieve

I’ve been trying to post every day lately, kind of like my own version of “Morning Pages” (except not in the morning, generally). Morning Pages is a reference to a book called The Artist’s Way, which suggests writing every morning, to help clear and organize your mind.

I missed this weekend, however. Such is the way of life some days. I’ll just have to try harder.
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