This is really only a semi-post. It’s just random stuff that I thought was cool or interesting, and probably won’t be for anyone else.
– I finished my study plan a full day early, and have already gotten it okayed… we’re going to photocopy it tomorrow and submit it, at which point I’ll be done and on my way. I’m pretty damn pleased about that.
– The pictures I took at UberCon have been put up in the UberCon web gallery. In the week since they were posted, one of the pictures I took has become one of the most viewed images in the gallery (viewed ~1400 times when I last checked). Not unsurprisingly, it was a picture of a cute girl in a costume.
– Of all the possible science fiction futures predicted, it looks like 1984 is going to win. (No, this is NOT a good thing, though the posting I just linked is quite good.)
– People seem to be under this misconception that I actually dance relatively well. I move to the beat, I “dance” so to speak, sure, but I wouldn’t call it “good”. This is, of course, in reference to me dancing like a fool into the night last night at the graduation dance.
– ADP at Vermont College (the program I’m in at the college I’m attending, which is actually a part of The Union Institute and University) really is a cool program. This is apparently the ADP’s 40th anniversary, and to celebrate, they actually had THE founder of ADP come up and speak briefly at the graduation. Very, very cool. Also, they honored Roger Cranse, who has been the dean/directory of the program for the past 17 years, and will be retiring this year (this was his last graduation as director). He’s one of the reasons I really reconsidered Vermont College: I’d already tabled it in favor of other projects, but he persisted in making an effort, sending me articles in the mail that reminded him of things we’d discussed when I’d toured the school. It was that genuine feeling of actually wanting ME to come to the school that really clinched it for me. So, hats off to you, Roger, and good luck in whatever you choose to do next.
– Still on the Vermont College thing (well, I AM at my residency, so it’s not that surprising), last year I was informed quietly by one of my former advisors that they were considering opening an MFA in Graphic Design. Well, I was chatting with some folks last night at the graduation, and yes, it is in fact true, and is in the process of starting up right now. Getting into this program is in a lot of ways very appealing. It is a field I am deeply interested in, it relates to my goals of getting into game design, and would allow me the option to teach in the future, if I so wished. I’m not sure if I’d go straight in or take 6 months to a year off beforehand to go work and do other things for a while. As they say, “we shall see.” That’s still at least a year and a half off anyway (estimated graduation: April, 2005)
– The EXCEL Review Committee loved my essay, giving me the full 20 credits that I’d applied for, shaving a full year (when combined with previous credits I’d transfered in) off my time in school. This makes me happy, to say the least, both in the time saved, and also in that they apparently liked it so much that they want to keep it as a sample. It’s a really good feeling to get that sort of pat on the back after working so hard on a project.
Okay, that’s it, for now. I’ll be back with another post tomorrow, honest!