
I am VERY pleased to announce the wedding of Nabil Maynard and Marieke Sacks on the 26th of May, 2003.


The wedding was fantastic. Mickey looked radiant, and I think I looked pretty decent, myself. There were a total of 10 people there:
Mickey and myself
Both sets of parents
Both siblings (her brother and mine, who also acted as the official witnesses)
My cousin Ethan and his wife Cortney.

There were a BOATLOAD of pictures taken, which we are slowly collecting and will be putting up in the form of an online gallery at some point in the not too distant future. In the meantime, feel free to drop us a line on here or via email, or make a donation via Paypal as a wedding gift (we’re trying to buy Mickey a car, you see).

(The image above was both photographed and modified by my mother. Way to go, Mom!)

2 thoughts on “Wedding!

  1. Hey guys, Cool, I am looking at your site for the first time, with your folks looking over my shoulder. The second grade teacher in me noticed that you need to check your spelling of “announce” not “announcing”.

    Hugs to you both,

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