Site Redesign

Welcome to the new (and hopefully) improved! After becoming extremely frustrated with my own meddling and disorganization, I finally decided to seek alternate methods to achieve my intended goal (pain free layout, thus easier to access any and all CONTENT I can make available. It also makes it easier for me to get content onto the site, since I have to worry less about formatting and site organization).

I’m using Movable Type, which is a robust, free(!) web logging system. Well, free for non-commercial, which would be what I fall under.

I really like the system: the layout is good, it doesn’t require SQL (but you can use it if you have it), and has a nice automated archiving system. The page generation templates are fully customizable, too. If anyone is thinking about adding a web logging system, or is interested in how using it for site management goes, feel free to contact me — I’m more than willing to discuss it.